Lismore floods Floods in Lismore, NSW
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along the Wilsons River at Lismore
Lismore floods
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McLeans Ridges Weather Webcam and Automatic Weather Station (AWS)

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McLeans Ridges Weather Webcam facing north
Current NSW local date/time:

McLeans Ridges Webcam Timelapse Loop Options - past 20 minutes available.

The camera is located at McLeans Ridges, 12km east of Lismore and 9km northwest of Alstonville, in the Northern Rivers district of NSW, Australia. The site is 140 metres above sea level at Lat: 28o 47' 38" S (-28.79), Lon: 153o 23' 54" E (153.40): Google Map location. The Nightcap Range is in the background and the Wilsons River upstream of Lismore is in the valley foreground. The camera is operated by Michael Bath with images updated every 60 seconds.

Local region radar: [Grafton 128km Scale] [Grafton 256km Scale] [Brisbane 128km Scale] [Brisbane 256km Scale]
Davis Vantage Vue AWS at McLeans Ridges, NSW
Weather data updated 9:12a 12/02/25

Archived data available via Davis WeatherLink
Dew Point
Wind Speed
Rain Total (since midnight)
Rain Rate
Storm Total
Wind Chill
Heat Index
24.9 C
23.6 C
NW at 3.2 km/hr
1011.4 hPa & Rising Rapidly
0.8 mm
0.0 mm/hr
5.8 mm
24.9 C
27.1 C
Highs/Lows Today Monthly Yearly
High Temperature
Low Temperature
High Humidity
Low Humidity
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
High Wind Speed
High Barometer
Low Barometer
High Rain Rate
Rain Total (midnight reset)
24.9 C at 9:12a
20.3 C at 6:28a
100% at 6:01a
92% at 9:11a
23.9 C at 9:11a
20.0 C at 6:19a
9.7 km/hr at 1:29a
1011.8 hPa at 12:23a
1008.1 hPa at 5:06a
1.2 mm/hr at 12:00a
30.4 C
17.6 C
25.6 C
17.8 C
29.0 km/hr
1017.6 hPa
1006.9 hPa
125.2 mm/hr
29.0 mm
38.1 C
14.6 C
27.8 C
13.9 C
30.6 km/hr
1018.6 hPa
995.6 hPa
677.6 mm/hr
209.8 mm
Official Rainfall Observations at McLeans Ridges, NSW
 McLeans Ridges is an official Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) rainfall measuring location - site ID 058023.

 Daily and monthly McLeans Ridges rainfall observations: [monthly] [daily]

 Past observations from nearby AWS at Ballina and Lismore are available from the BoM.
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Document: webcam.htm | Template Updated: 11 February 2025
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